Miniseries Leaning J - part 5

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Tags: Ayesha Caterpillar Elbow grip Inverted crucifix Simply Pole Transition V-invert Soňa Fornbaumová Static pole Miniseries Leaning J Miniseries Leaning J

Miniseries Leaning J - part 5

I had an idea during the training so fifth part of leaning J miniseries was created.

And this time it's transition from elbow grip ayesha to leaning J.

Training steps

  1. V-invert
  2. Inverted crucifix
  3. Caterpillar 
    RADA: začáteční pozice: jednu ruku položit na tyč před obličej a prsty směřují do země - tou se budu odtlačovat; druhou rukou chytit tyč do cup gripu v úrovni pasu - tou se budu přitahovat. Zároveň se odtlačím ze spodní ruky (ta v úrovni obličeje) a přitáhnu horní rukou (tou v úrovni pasu). Při úplném propnutí spodní ruky (ta v úrovni obličeje) se dostanu do ideálni pozice pánví od tyče a stehnama téměř vodorovně se zemí.
  4. Hook upper arm's elbow on the pole
  5. Release both legs down into the straddle position -> trik ELBOW GRIP AYESHA
  6. Hook the same leg as the arm with hooked elbow on the pole
  7. take a circle around the pole with free leg and push its thigh towards the pole
  8. hook the elbow of the outside arm on the pole under the upper/top leg
  9. bend lower/bottom leg's knee and turn it down so the point of the foot is facing the ceiling
    IMPORTANT: actively press the high towards the pole
  10. grab the ankle of the bottom leg from behind with the top hand (hooked by the elbow)
  11. extend top leg -> trick LEANING J

Source -

All episodes

For redirecting click on its name:

Part 1 - Trick Leaning J
Part 2 - Transition from Jamilla to Leaning J
Part 3 - Transition from Pole Sit to Leaning J
Part 4 - Transition from Wrist seat to Leaning J 
Part 5 - Transition from Elbow ayesha to Leaning J

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