Miniseries Leaning J - part 2

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Tags: Simply Pole Transition Trick Soňa Fornbaumová Jamilla V Straddle Static pole Miniseries Leaning J Miniseries Leaning J

Miniseries Leaning J - part 2

Second part of this miniseries is transition from jamilla to leaning J.

Here is the transition from jamilla from the floor so also advanced beginners or low intermediate levels can try it. But you can also perform jamilla from the pole.

Training steps

  1. stand next to the pole, grab the pole into split grip / full bracket grip but slide with the top hand down and then also slide with the bottom hand
    NOTE: upper arm is bended so the biceps is active
  2. put the tight of the inside leg on the pole as high you can
  3. push with the thigh towards the pole actively
  4. extend top arm and lower your body down and lift the outside leg up to the shoulder –> trick JAMILLA
    ADVICE: you can also start in the crush / craddle position, from it turn the body towards the ceiling and open legs into straddle
  5. hook outside leg on the pole 
    TIP: you can lower the top hand slightly down or if you feel confident you can relese it off the pole before leg's hook
  6. hook the elbow of the outside arm on the pole under the upper/top leg
  7. bend lower/bottom leg's knee and turn it down so the point of the foot is facing the ceiling
    IMPORTANT: actively press the high towards the pole
  8. grab the ankle of the bottom leg from behind with the top hand (hooked by the elbow)
  9. extend top leg -> trick LEANING J

Source -

How to exit Leaning J? Check the first part of the miniseries HERE.

All episodes

For redirecting click on its name:

Part 1 - Trick Leaning J
Part 2 - Transition from Jamilla to Leaning J
Part 3 - Transition from Pole Sit to Leaning J
Part 4 - Transition from Wrist seat to Leaning J
Part 5 - Transition from Elbow ayesha to Leaning J

Can be also interesting for you

Trick Crane was part of the #JunePoleChallenge2016 created by Fallon Bridgewood, who is on Instagram as @falzyb.


In October I taught the weekend full of my pole dance workshops in Ostrava!

22. 10. Motýlek Ostrava

