News from pole dance world

Triangle knot

I saw girls from the studio Pole Fit Dubai who performed this trick and its name is Triangle knot.

Tito twist

Trick is created by Tito Jane. Tito twist is great for photoshooting on static pole but it's easier to perform it on spinning pole.

Dino grip tricks transition

New transition from dino grip brass seat to dino grip martini for spinning pole.


Trick Crane was part of the #JunePoleChallenge2016 created by Fallon Bridgewood, who is on Instagram as @falzyb.

Trapped attitude to trapped carousel

New transition trapped attitude spin to trapped carousel on static pole from Natasha Wang where she connected forward spin and carousel spin.

Dino grip martini

New variation of the trick Martiny from Natasha Wang which I called Dino grip martini.

Transition Pixel to Nebula

Connection of two new tricks Pixel and Nebula on static pole. 

Tangled Split variation

This tangled split variation is for all of you who doesn't have your split on 180°.

Suspended V

Suspended V is the new trick created by Heidi Coker.

Inverted Martini

Inverted martini is the new trick from brazil pole dancer Anna Beatriz Siqueira.